The Impact of Alcoholism on the Brain and Addiction

The Impact of Alcoholism on the Brain and Addiction-1

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The information within the brain’s cells is transmitted through electrical signals due to the associated chemical reaction. Consumption of drugs may cause a hindrance to the chemical compounds inside the brain. This may affect signal transmission inside the brain cells.


Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Misuse of alcohol may be characterized as a certain pattern that the person follows without considering the potential harm it may create. The individual will follow a pattern of continuous drinking, but it cannot be considered an addiction completely, like in the case of alcoholism. In this, the individual may display risky behavior when under the influence of alcohol.


This risky behavior includes attempting to drive, physical altercations, or unsafe practices. The individual may change the priorities and make alcohol and drugs the first priority above all others, including his own family. The most dangerous part is the increasing tolerance as the individual continues to drink too much alcohol.


There is a particular limit wherein the body is able to handle all the intoxication that happens, but beyond the limit, the body will start displaying its aftereffects. When the individual loses control over the use of alcohol and disregards the risk of alcohol consumption, this state may be defined as a state of addiction.


This is a chronic condition wherein the individual has no more control over his behavior, even if he tries to do that. There are many reasons for someone getting addicted to alcohol, other than beginning with social consumption.


Alcoholism and its Effect on the Human Brain

The brain is a complex organ composed of multiple cells passing information in the form of electric impulses quickly. This is why human beings can respond very quickly to any outside action to protect themselves. When an individual consumes any substance that can cause a delay in the information passing between the brain cells, the time taken to respond to any external stimuli will also increase. This will result in an accident or any other damage, depending on the situation.


On consumption of alcohol, various hormones present in our body that control the behavior of a human being undergo a chemical reaction and may result in a behavior deviating from its normal conditions. This behavior may include anger, depression, or extremely hostile behavior.

The Impact of Alcoholism on the Brain and Addiction
After Effects of Alcohol Use Disorder

During the treatment for stopping alcohol consumption, the individual will undergo a series of aftereffects. This happens due to the reactions that happen inside. The liver plays an important role in removing the toxic substances consumed. However, during the state of addiction, the individual may consume more than the tolerable capacity of the liver, causing serious damage. This will result in major and chronic diseases requiring longer treatment.


In addition, the social consequences and the broken family relationship are added problems that will come as the aftereffects. It will be very difficult to rebuild the broken trust and love you once received from your family members and friends.


What are the effects of alcohol dependence?

An individual strongly depending on alcohol will have a serious effect on his body and his brain especially. The individual will suffer through various diseases affecting the liver and the heart. The dependence on alcohol will affect the mental stability of the individual, pushing into the mode of depression when not consuming alcohol. It will also contribute to the loss of respect from his peers and friends and will lose the respect earned in society. Under the influence of alcohol, individuals may try risks like driving, which will lead to arrest and associated legal complications.


Addiction: Signs and Symptoms

There are certain indications that show the progression toward the state of addiction. Identifying these signs is very important, as it can help start the recovery treatment at the earliest. Treatments carried out at the early stages of addiction have shown very good and smart recovery results when compared to the treatments started at the later stages.


Some of the symptoms are uncontrolled drinking and the desire to have it at any point in time. Individuals with alcohol addiction may think about it for the majority of the time, and the desire to have it will be expressed by them. They may start feeling sick or tired without the alcohol consumption.


Other symptoms include the behavior of aggression towards everything and restlessness when restricted from drinking alcohol. An individual with an addiction will start ignoring his responsibilities. This later creates problems within his family and society.


Function of NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator

Addicts can be assisted in escaping the grip of addiction with the use of instruments that have been carefully created. This instrument was created by NIAAA and is known as the Treatment Navigator. This navigator gives you the details regarding the various treatment options available and how they must be approached. This tool will help you make the right decisions to help an individual recover from addiction.


The function of the website is such that you visit the website and answer some questions about yourself or the person you’re worried about. Then, based on your answers, the Navigator gives you suggestions for treatments that could work best for your situation. It navigates the way to the right kind of help.


Research Conducted by the NIAAA

This agency works under the supervision of the government, conducting research and studies on alcoholism to bring out new possibilities for treatment. It also aims to assist the government in bringing out new policies, which can be implemented to provide a better life for people undergoing addiction treatment. It also aims to eradicate drugs and other narcotic substances entirely to provide a peaceful and sound life for the common people.


Some of their research and studies include areas like the effect of alcoholism on the human body and brain, how alcoholism affects the daily life of a common individual, and what are the social consequences due to it. They have conducted a detailed study on the various parts of the brain and how it gets affected by alcohol consumption.


By taking proper medication alone, the treatment may be ineffective in some cases and slow the recovery procedure. Along with medications, special therapy and counseling sessions are also required for a speedy recovery.

An individual addicted to alcohol undergoing treatment goes through complex stages and can be handled only by an expert. The professional in this can understand the situation and can provide effective solutions for quick recovery.

The most commonly displayed signs are mood swings and aggression toward anything and everything. The individual may resist getting counseled and may display anxious behavior.

The associated health issues include diseases related to the heart and liver, digestion issues, and increased risk of cancer.

Too much alcohol affects your speech and weakens the senses, muscle coordination, and vital centers of your brain.

Addictive drugs can produce structural changes as well as interfere with the normal workings of the human brain. In the treatment period, the brain tries hard to get back to the original state. The slightest deviation from the treatment method may result in the chemicals in the brain, thus initiating the process of taking more of the substance, which leads to addiction.

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