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The menace of addiction has been spreading at a rapid rate across the globe in recent years. The non-discretionary use of any substance can ultimately result in severe addiction. In the USA alone, addiction impacts millions of young lives. It is estimated that at least 21 Million US residents struggle with one or more forms of addiction.
Governments all over the world are trying to intervene and resolve the addiction problem. But most of such attempts have turned futile over the years. The American government spends at least 35 million dollars every year on countering addiction.
The various non-profit organizations, self-help groups, hospitals and institutions, and other community-based interventions can help governments significantly in controlling the disease of addiction. Social support from friend or family member can have a higher power over a person with an addiction and can show them a new way of life.
Non-profit organizations like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Australia acknowledges the strength of social groups and are helping people with an addiction lead a life of sobriety, devoid of substance use.
Narcotics Anonymous Australia: Online Meeting, 12-Step Model, and More
Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit organization Jimmy Kinnon established in California in 1953. NA was conceived and established as a fellowship to prevent drug problem and other substance abuse.
Narcotics Anonymous now has a vast network of branches all over the world, which relentlessly helps people with an addiction to come clean of their addiction. The fellowship was initially modeled on Alcoholics Anonymous, a support group for preventing the abuse of alcohol.
Currently, NA exists in over 144 countries. They offer help to people with an addiction to maintain abstinence from alcohol use, cocaine dependence, etc. The organization enables Narcotics Anonymous members to recognize the strength from within and help stop using drugs and other substance abuse.
Narcotics Anonymous World Services conducts group meetings often. The NA members meet regularly to help each other stay clear of addiction through a positive group experience. They have already completed over 80,000 NA meeting worldwide.
Narcotics Anonymous Australia: At A Glance
Narcotics Anonymous does not distinguish between drug abuse and other kind of substance abuse. Their service works best over all sorts of addictions. Anybody and everybody who is looking forward to being free of any form of addiction is welcome to join the NA groups. Although the NA members might have a drug problem still, they are all united in their desire to be free from addiction.
Narcotics Anonymous is present in most countries worldwide, including the U.S. and Australia. The land within Australia has proven to be fertile for anti-addiction fights, and NA is leading the fights there.
Narcotics Anonymous is a functional society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. This non-profit fellowship or society uses spirituality as a significant tool to help each other stay clean of substance use. The society motivates the addicted to be abstinent by believing in a higher power.
The primary purpose of using spirituality in AA meetings and NA fellowship is that it speeds up recovery from addiction. The person with an addiction who still suffers learns about spirituality through the NA open meetings. The members of the group share their experiences in the recovery from the disease.
Narcotics Anonymous: Role of Self-Help Groups and Meetings
Regular NA meetings play a significant role in the NA approach to preventing addiction. All NA members can participate in the meetings. The NA area service committee takes care of scheduling meetings in their areas.
Chances are high for most people to feel intimidated at their first NA meeting. But all members at the meeting are addicts in the path of abstinence, and thus, there is no need to feel vulnerable at the meetings.
The schedule of each meeting group differ. But ultimately, the meeting is all about sharing experiences. People with an addiction of any degree are welcome to attend the meetings wherever they want and share their experiences. Being a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women of all ages, NA is highly inclusive. So people can share their personal lives in a non-judgmental environment.
NA members can check the official website to understand the upcoming meetings in different regions. The requirement for membership at NA is pretty minimal. The primary requirement is to be an addict who is on a path of abstinence.
NA meetings are generally two types. They are as follows.
- Discussion Meetings
- Speaker Meetings
Discussion Meetings
As mentioned, discussion meetings include discussions between the group members regarding their personal experiences with addiction. Listening to the recovery stories of peers gives a positive message to the addicted in the group. Each member will talk only for a fixed time in discussion meetings.
Speaker Meetings
In speaker meetings, the core speaker will be one or two members. They will explain in detail their battle with substance abuse and their path to recovery.
Another differentiation also exists in NA meetings. This differentiation is based on AA meetings. As per this differentiation, there can be two types of meetings at NA. They are as follows.
- Closed Meetings
- Open Meetings
Closed Meetings
In closed meetings, only the members of NA, that is, recovering people with an addiction, can be a part of it.
Open Meetings
Any NA ally can take part in open meetings. People genuinely interested in NAs’ functioning can participate in open meetings.
Narcotics Anonymous: Substance Use Recovery Events and Process
Narcotics Anonymous offers many convenient options for people with an addiction to reach out to them. An official dedicated website online helps addicts get all the information on this nonprofit fellowship or society.
NA maintains a dedicated phone number to receive inquiries on upcoming meetings.
People can call 1300 652 820 or 0488 811 247, and the service will send SMS you meetings and other information immediately. It is ideal to contact the given number from an unblocked number as it will only SMS back to the same number.
The NA contact feature works best from an unblocked mobile number. You can also search by voice or send a message to the given numbers for them to send you a list of meetings that are supposed to happen within the next 24 hours.
This SMS feature is highly convenient for people with an addiction, as it requires no complicated steps. In 2022 alone, thousands have utilized this easy inquiry process of Narcotics Anonymous.
Final Word
Narcotics Anonymous uses a 12-step program to convince people with an addiction to sobriety effectively. Health professionals design the 12-step facilitation program. The participation in 12-step programs is usually limited to struggling addicts. This twelve-step facilitation program prevents addiction from being a progressive disease and gets the help of psychosocial treatments to stay clear of addiction completely.
About 61,000 NA meetings are conducted worldwide in a week. The meetings are carried out by various 12-step groups established throughout the world.
A sponsor in NA meetings is an experienced member who helps out with new addicts on all kinds of requirements.
IP means information pamphlets. Different forms of NA literature, including information pamphlets, are distributed at every NA meeting. They help with the circulation of important information on addiction.