Seeking Help: Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery

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Addiction can simply be put forward as the very strong or intense desire for a particular addicting behavior or substance. This will put an individual in a state where his condition will deviate from the normal condition without the object desirable.


Alcohol Use Disorder: Definition According to the NIAAA

There are various institutions that conduct regular studies and carry out research on the subject of addiction. This includes how people get this desire for a particular object and how it becomes an object that can control all the actions of the individual. This research has turned out to be very helpful in prescribing the right treatment for the addicted individual and modifying the existing treatment procedures based on the results.


Course correction during the treatment is necessary and has always displayed a better result in response to the new treatment. In addition to finding out the possibilities of new ways of treatment, these researches have also helped in making various policies and amending the existing policies for the betterment of all.


According to the institution, alcohol disorder is a condition that is influenced by various psychological and social conditions of the individual. People may resort to alcohol consumption when they find it as the last resort to escape from the mental distress they are going through every day. On consumption, they feel happiness and are able to forget their bad experience, giving relaxation to the brain and the body. However, they do not realize that this alcohol dependence is providing temporary relaxation only and will last for a long.


By the time they understand this, they might have already been addicted to the consumption of alcohol. This is why it is important to understand the root reason that made the individual take alcohol as the solution to all his problems. At this stage, the individual will find it difficult to stop drinking and escape from alcohol dependence.


Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Before the treatment is commenced for an individual, it is essential to undergo a counseling session with a professional. This is important because this will help in identifying the various factors that have made the individual take up drug addiction or drug abuse as a way to escape from his problems. The counselor can help the addicted individual to make him understand his current situation and the way forward to get free from the claws of addiction.


It is also important that the addicted individual understand what addiction is and how it is affecting his body and mind. This will make the treatment easy and will have a positive impact in a very short amount of time. Alcohol addiction can also be explained as a simple chemical reaction that happens in your body’s brain, causing changes in behavior. The major role of this chemical reaction is played by the compound called dopamine. It is the chemical compound that gives pleasure to the brain and, effectively, the entire human body.


It is dependent on the individual how he wants the dopamine to be released into his brain. For some, it may be when playing games, or for some, it may be when carrying out their favorite habits. It becomes dangerous when the individual is getting happiness by consuming drugs or substances. Once the dopamine release cycle starts due to the consumption of alcohol, it is a continuous loop and needs professional help to exit from the loop.


Journey to Seek Help: Alcoholism Treatment

The individual who gets trapped in this loop of addiction needs advice from the professional to initiate his counseling and treatment. The first step can be a normal local search to find the right person to advise you and start your treatment. Various facilities available with the clinic and alcoholism treatment are to be assessed.


Treatment for People with Alcohol Use Disorder

Detox and Withdrawal: Intervention starts with a detoxification program that is medically managed and supervised. It usually takes 2 to 7 days and may require sedatives to prevent the effects of sudden withdrawal symptoms. It is usually done in hospitals and de-addiction centers.


Behavioral Therapies: Counseling, or talk therapy, with a health care provider like a psychologist or a mental health counselor. This can empower people to change their behavior.


Medicines: Professionals prescribe pills to combat alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These medications also help to eliminate cravings and help to keep one sober.

Seeking Help Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery
Support Network of Treatment for Alcohol

Building a strong support network is crucial for individuals recovering from AUD. Here are some of the components.

  1. Family and Friends: These people support and care for you.
  2. Sponsor or Mentor: Seek out a mentor or sponsor who has been clean for some time and can offer you guidance.
  3. Healthcare Professionals: Doctors can check your health and prescribe medicine if needed.
  4. Community Resources: Support services, educational programs, and recreational activities that build sobriety and connectivity can be provided by community centers, churches, or charity groups nearby.
  1. Online Support: Social networking sites, chat rooms, and online forums, among other technologies, possess practical value too. This primary beneficiary is someone struggling to attend existing support networks or meet at physical locations.
  1. Therapist or Counselor: Contact somebody with insider knowledge who can give you personal advice and strategies for your addiction.
  1. Hobbies and Interests: This is because doing things you enjoy makes you feel good and helps your mind quit thinking about alcohol.
  1. Self-Help Resources: Books, podcasts, and websites that provide good advice and ideas that, if applied, can help you abstain from drugs.
Overcome Stigma and Barriers to Alcohol Treatment

It is important to get rid of the stereotype and negativity attached to AUD. It helps to overcome the reasons people do not get the needed help for the alcohol or drug problems they encounter.


  • Let people realize that AUD is a medical issue, not an individual issue. It, therefore, makes it simpler for such individuals to get assistance without being stigmatized.
  • Respectful language about addiction should be employed when talking about the issue. It lessens the stigma for people seeking assistance and creates a more inviting environment.
  • Advocate for laws that consider addiction as a health issue and not a moral one and oppose laws that punish those with an alcohol use disorder. This can be liberating because you become able to get advice.
  • Ensure that both the treatment costs and access to it are affordable to everyone and that the treatment respects their culture and performs well. It includes geocaching options to deal with distance and stigma as well.
  • Peer-led groups of students can be an anchor, providing friendship and counseling to students who are feeling lonely and ill-treated.
  • You will have AUD patients in a caring and factual way in the movies or TV series. This will be a good weapon to fight against unfair thoughts and develop empathy.
  • Educate doctors, police, and others on how to give assistance to people with addiction without finding faults in them. That’s how much it can differ in how people can be helped.
  • To tackle these bigger problems like poverty or racism, which in turn may obstruct some people from reaching the help that they need to overcome AUD. This condition would put everyone on the same level of treatment.

In the end, beating alcohol addiction is a big, courageous move toward a happier, healthier life. With support from family, friends, and doctors, you can recover.


People consume alcohol for different purposes. They use it when they feel stressed or depressed, while others just want to feel more relaxed and confident while socializing and to cope with the death of a loved one.

Too much drinking causes extra mental problems such as severe depression, extreme anxiety, or insomnia.

Yes, addiction can impact the wiring of the brain. The brain goes through changes when exposed to addictive substances for a long period.

Contributing Editor

Troy Wakelin – Co-Founder and Contributing Editor

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